paralysis of Both lower limbs is called paraplegia. Paralysis means "Loss of the ability to move a body part " especially the Lower limbs in this case. Movement of our body parts is controlled by Both nervous System Like Central nervous System and peripheral Nervous System; main tissue like Muscles of our body are supplied by Nervous System in the anatomical structure this is just like a Tree. all the muscle from head to toe are supplied by nerves have cell body, axon and dendrites. those are centrally located in our body along vertebra is called Central Nervous System(CNS) and any branch from it to peripheral is called peripheral Nervous System (PNS). Muscle contraction and relaxation is produced by Nervous System what let the body parts to move in desired direction
(Normal function).
lesion in any site of the Nervous system show abnormal manifestation or symptoms and signs according to which site are affected ,Symptoms and signs are defer from one site to another site. for example ; lesion in the both CNS and PNS show different Symptoms and signs but not the same in both. CNS what controls the Muscles is called "Upper Motor neuron' and PNS is called "Lower Motor Neuron".
Upper Motor Neuron Includes 1. Brain ,2. brainstem and Spinal cord. Lower motor neuron includes Anterior horn cells . finally any lesion in these area are called "Upper Motor Neuron Lesion" and LMNL accordingly. our main topic today is the "Paraplegia".
Paraplegia is caused by either LMNL or UMNL and these lesions are caused by 1. Traumatic, 2. inflammatory,3. Vascular, 4. Neoplastic and 5. Degenerative.
Bilateral pyramidal Cortical Lesion in the brain and spinal card leads to both lower limbs paralysis as Paraplegia and also loss of conscious ,confusion as changed in the Mental status , extensor planter reflex , positive Babinski sign and sustain clonus in the foot and also hyper-reflexes . if mental status is normal ;the lesion is in the other site than cortical so this is the differentiating point to indicate where is the lesion. continue...
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