
Main Article: Human War against Diseases always in Medicine

When something is made by human that is fully controlled by human due to full knowledge about what has been made. So who knows about human anatomical structures and function of human body??? Main point is we are the peoples or human being, we never create each others. We have knowledge about human being but not full knowledge in every part of human body that is why many diseases are not curable just only controllable e.g.  some autoimmune diseases ,DM etc. human have powerful knowledge than any other creations in the world that is why we human can protect our self from other  harmful creations like pathogens who attack human although human have Defenders inside human body like  very strong `immunity` as a human body defender . Very easy example is everybody knows about windows 8 Defender as it defends windows from any kind of viruses or any kind of harm full entry that may crash the windows.  Human War against Diseases always in Medicine. Human cannot create a life so they have lack of knowledge about that is why many diseases are controllable not curable. Once we human have full knowledge about, we control fully or protect fully from Diseases.


Some keywords should be known like Immunity and functions of it.....

What is the Immunity? it is the capability of human body to protect or resist from pathogenic microbes or viruses that is harmful from entering to our body is defined as Immunity. Until now it is not clear because there is a question; who have capability power to resist human body? Is it immunity or someone else? Answer is the composition of the Immunity, now named immunity can be a group name; this group is made by members so the members are the responsible for protecting human body. Yet it needs to be answered the question of name of the members. Yet it does ask some questions like where they are come from or born? Do they come from same area? Have all have same characters or functions?

Very famous name are T-cell, B-cell, Macrophage and Neutrophil. Main functions are same as resist body through different way; every member has their own way not the same way. it should be noted that all members work together ; they call each other when needed and produce the Anti-pathogenic substance called "Antibody" that kill the diseases or pathogens but it needs time to produce the Antibody average 7 to 10 days time differ from different pathogens. Now it could be said that the antibody is the human body defender from inside. Now name of the members can be modified as immune cells. They come to the blood circulation in order to go to the infected part of body and kill the pathogens. Blood is only the media for transferring immune cells or antibody to any part of body. the immunity is classified into ...1. Innate immunity, 2. Adaptive immunity is classified into natural immunity and artificial immunity; natural immunity is divided into passive and active immunity and also artificial immunity is divided into active and passive immunity. To understand this classification needs some basic knowledge about immunity. Any cells that destruct pathogens are called immune cells. All immune cells are produced by Bone Marrow. What is Bone Marrow? Simply it is bone of human body like humerous, femer and sternum etc.human body have a lot of bones as source of immune cells .Most common immune cells are white blood cells together called "Leucocytes". These leucocytes are T-cells, B cells and Phagocyte cells e.g. macrophage, Neutrophil and also mast cells, Eisonophil, Basophiles and dendrite cells. From these immune cells some of them can divide into many own cells; as a colonization. But others are unable to colonize into many cells. So here is the point is who are able to divide, these are responsible for adaptive immunity. Now the question is what adaptive means here is; condition where immune cells are specific and specific to specific pathogens and produce memory immune cells for future challenge to same pathogen that attacked first time. so immune cells those joined in this condition is called adaptive immune cells (T-cells and B cells )as called "Adaptive Immunity". Second point is what is the Natural Immunity? ; unable to divide , no memory cells produced and remain same from the start and join to fight against  non specific pathogen directly through producing toxic substances like hydrogen peroxide, Oxygen free radicals’ and by recognition of MCH; tissue surface marker antigen as MCH. These immune cells are Neutrophil, Macrophage, Basophil, mast cell and dendrite cell

. They initiate the first line defense from disease. In this situation cells are called "innate immune cells as Innate Immunity.  If require the activation of immune cells by stimuli to fight, it is adaptive type. After being analyzed the information above, the immunity can be considered as "Antibody”. Now the question is what is the Natural Immunity?  It is the sub type of adaptive immunity, also it is divided into two part one is the passive immunity e.g. maternal antibody is the antibody that cross placenta to fetus. Second is what the active immunity is? It is the antibody that has been formed against infection. What is the artificial immunity? This is the antibody that is readymade like Vaccination; antibody from out site source but not from human body is injected into human body is called "Artificial Antibody". Either it is active or passive. Basic knowledge about immunity here is enough to understand the Immunity.

Remember sometime antibody has been formed than it attacks own body instead of pathogens is called "Auto-Immunity". bcz some pathogen are more clever , pathogen make his body as a human body that is why antibody attack own body, this condition is called Auto antibody or auto immunity. Anything from outside human body enter into human body is called foreign body, not foreigner, but it is called foreign body bcz if any student travel to a new country it is called foreign student for that country. Now new topics about immunological disease can be discussed.


        45 years old female patient complaining of pain over knee joints that is worse after activity, in the back and nodules over dorsum of the both hands, Z like Thumbs deformities etc. on knee examination there are crepitus and limitation of movement. No other positive findings. Most probably this unlucky patient having both Osteoarthritis and associated with Rheumatoid arthritis.



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